2024 has been a remarkable year for Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, marked by a series of exciting milestones. From breaking ground on Living Seas — the largest renovation in aquarium history — to the heartwarming arrival of Little Blue Penguin chicks, the debut of Embodied Pacific: Ocean Unseen, and beyond, we've had so much to celebrate. These moments, along with many others, have made this year truly remarkable.
Major Milestones
Living Seas
This September, the aquarium broke ground on the largest renovation in aquarium history. Living Seas, a reimagined exhibition will replace the aquarium’s famed Hall of Fishes next summer. The exhibition, the largest capital improvement since the aquarium was built in 1992, invites guests to journey through the Pacific Ocean to inspire a love of nature, a sense of place and ocean optimism. Read the full story here.
AZA Quarter Century Award
Just in time for the September 16 anniversary, Birch Aquarium received the AZA Quarter Century Award, recognizing the aquarium’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards in animal care, welfare, management, veterinary care, conservation, education, staffing, facilities, safety, guest services, and more. Read the full story here.